Lichfield Cathedral Chorus has a membership of about 100 singers. We usually rehearse in Lichfield Cathedral.
The chorus is a friendly group of people aged from 16 to over 80 and from many walks of life. We enjoy the challenge of learning major choral works and performing with high quality orchestras and soloists.
The chorus offers a reduced membership fee for students and is able to give extra support for 16–18 year olds.
Prospective new members will be asked to take a straightforward audition with the conductor before being accepted into the chorus and then usually every four years afterwards. Auditions are a way of ensuring a certain level of ability and suitable vocal tone on entry to the chorus and for maintaining these subsequently.
The audition atmosphere is relaxed and supportive — our conductor will help you to do your best and not to be too nervous.
Audition Requirements
- Vocal warm-up and range test
- Performance of a short solo piece of own choice
- Aural tests
- Short study — working on an unfamiliar piece with the Musical Director
Applying for Membership
Please contact the Membership Secretary if you would like to know more about the chorus and how to apply.
Rehearsals usually take place in the Cathedral on Thursdays in term time from 7:30pm to 9:30pm. Members are required to attend at least 75% of the rehearsals for any concert. The final rehearsals on the last Thursday before the concert and on the day of the concert are compulsory.